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Hello! I’m Conar Moorey, and I’d like to share the fascinating journey that led me to the world of iris photography.



The Spark of Inspiration


My passion for photography began at a young age. I was always fascinated by the power of a photograph to capture a moment, a memory, or an emotion. Over the years, I explored various genres of photography—landscapes, portraits, street photography—but it wasn't until a serendipitous moment that I discovered the beauty hidden within the human eye.

One day, while experimenting with macro photography, I decided to take a close-up shot of a friend's eye on a bus tour in New Zealand. As I zoomed in on the image, I was captivated by the intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and unique details that emerged. It was as if I was peering into a miniature galaxy, right there within the iris. This moment of revelation sparked a deep curiosity and a new passion: to explore and capture the stunning beauty of irises.


The Journey Begins

Eager to learn more, I delved into the science of the eye and the art of macro photography. I invested in specialized equipment and spent countless hours perfecting the technique required to capture the finest details of the iris. Each session brought new discoveries and deeper appreciation for the uniqueness of every individual's eyes.


What started as a personal fascination soon evolved into something much bigger. I realized that these breathtaking images could bring joy and wonder to others as well. Each iris photo was not just a picture, but a piece of art that highlighted the distinctiveness of the person it belonged to. Encouraged by friends and family, I decided to turn this passion into a business.


Thus, Galax Eye was born. My goal is to create stunning, high-resolution iris photographs that celebrate the beauty and individuality of each person. Whether for personal keepsakes, unique gifts, or captivating art pieces, these photos offer a new way to see and appreciate the world.


Looking Forward

Today, I’m thrilled to share this journey with you. Each session is an opportunity to discover and capture the extraordinary beauty within your eyes. It’s a privilege to be trusted with creating something so personal and unique, and I look forward to continuing this incredible journey, one iris at a time.



Do I need an appointment?
Please schedule appointment for our Rochester studio via our website. Walk-ins are welcome during regular business hours.
How long does the process take?
The photo session lasts 2-5 minutes. We'll email your digital photos within 2-3 days. If you choose physical prints, they're typically delivered 7-10 days after your digital photos are ready.
Can I come with contact lenses?
We always recommend removing contact lenses during the photo session. For your convenience, we provide solution and cups at our studios.
At what age can kids have a photo session?
The youngest child we've photographed was 5 years old. However, every child is unique. We just ask for a bit of cooperation during the process, like sitting still and looking into the camera for a few minutes.
Can I come together with my partner?
We can photograph as many eyes as you have and arrange them in multiple eye designs. It is so interesting to see eyes in comparison, as they are all unique and beautiful.
How can I make an order of a necklace?
You can place an order online at our website and visit one of our studios for a photo session.
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